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Gardauno Spa

The Caution deposit is a new disposition by the Authority for electricity, Gas and Water Authority, effective as of 1 June 2014 in Italy.

What is it?

A caution deposit is an amount of money that the user deposits to the service provider as a guarantee against any eventual unpaid debts. The Caution deposit will be given back at the end of the contract if all debts have been paid.

There are also advantages for you!

The caution deposit will be applied to all users and represents a guarantee to ensure that all customers are up to date with the payment of their invoices as it imposes a limit on the cost of the tariff.

How is it calculated?

The Caution deposit amount is equivalent to approximately 3 months of consumption adjusted to the previous year.


How is it charged?

Although regulations require two instalments, Garda Uno has decided to spread the payment out into four equal instalments.

Who doesn’t have to pay?

Users with a lower consumption than 500 mc/year that choose direct payment on bank account (SDD) or postal payment do not need to pay the caution deposit .Choosing this form of payment, saves you time and money and you do not have to remember the expiry date of the invoice because it is done automatically.


Garda Uno has decided to divide the payment of the caution deposit into 4 equal instalments instead of 2 as per regulations.

A concrete example

If you spent 150,00 for water consumption in 2013, the Caution deposit is equal to € 37,50 and you will pay it in 4 instalments of € 9,37 in the next four invoices.



Italian to english translation by Maria Begliutti - Liceo Scientifico Statale Enrico Fermi , Salò (BS) - for the Garda Uno Lab project
