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Gardauno Spa

To activate the automatic debit of your bill on your bank account, it is necessary to sign the appropriate SEPA Direct Debit (SDD) mandate at your bank.

The SEPA form, pre-filled by Garda Uno for automatic debit is annexed to the paper copy of your bill.

The User is able to withdraw or suspend the payment order according to the rules currently in force in the interbank circuit that depend on the User type (if “private” or “commercial”).

The automatic debit normally occurs without any cost (ask for confirmation at your bank). The form can be presented at your bank that will deal with the activation of the necessary computerized procedures.



Italian to english translation by Greta Chimini - Liceo Scientifico Statale Enrico Fermi , Salò (BS) - for the Garda Uno Lab project
