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Gardauno Spa

Drinking water

To request a new connection to the water supply network, fill in the forms found in this section and send the original copies by post or hand deliver them to our help counter.

Sewerage system

To request a new connection to the sewerage system, fill in the forms found in this section and send the original copies by post or hand deliver them to our help counter.

Productive Sewerage

From 1st November 2014, requests for an integrated environmental authorization must be submitted by filling in the regional forms according to SUAP guidelines. The forms requesting authorization to discharge into a public sewerage system are available on the AATO website at this address.

The above request is to be used exclusively by companies that need authorisation to discharge into the sewerage systems by public service entities and by all public bodies and businesses in general that are liable for ordinary authorisation of waste management as they are not included in the field of application in accordance to art. 208, of regulation D.P.R. 59/2013



Italian to english translation by Maria Begliutti - Liceo Scientifico Statale Enrico Fermi , Salò (BS) - for the Garda Uno Lab project

