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Gardauno Spa

Garda Uno SpA proposes to its members the "Energy Service for Public Lighting Systems and Equipment" owned by the same entity.

Specifically, Garda Uno SpA offers its running capacities, with routine and extraordinary maintenance, and during the design phase, by developing plant upgrading plans and by pursuing financing invitations.

Currently the company is providing the ordinary management of public lighting systems in the Municipality of: Polpenazze, Salò, Gottolengo and Leno. The activity involves changing lamps, restoring the service, carrying out various surveys on citizen reporting and cleaning luminaires and paintings.

Garda Uno SpA assists the Municipalities in the enlightenment census activity following the redemption of the plants by "Enel Sole".

The ultimate goal of the activity is the development and installation of innovative and low-energy technologies that enable a high overall efficiency of the plant; All supported by systematic remote monitoring and control to limit fuel consumption and maintenance needs.


The service has been integrated with a dedicated contact number to report issues or emergencies.

Green number

800-133 966



Italian to english translation by the students of the - Liceo Scientifico Statale Enrico Fermi , Salò (BS) - for the Garda Uno Lab project



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